Sunday, July 31, 2011

Another day......

So like I mentioned in my very first post, I am not really good at this blogging thing, good thing I dont get paid for it cause I would have been fired by now..... I apologize to my 10 followers and those who read but I have been super busy.... who am I  kidding super busy means procrastinating, I would make major bank if that was my job.  I know I need to blog on a daily basis so I can keep you updated on our daily life here in Seoul, im sure some really amusing things have happend but now I forgot because I procrastinate :)

Things have been ok im still trying to adjust to being in a different country, the boys have adjusted just fine, although Drew does ask on a daily basis when we are going back to our other house.... he doesnt really understand that we are here for 2 years, im hoping he catches on quick because the daily when are we going back to WI question is getting old.

They will both be starting school in a month which will be fantastic, I mean I will miss them so much, I feel like I am not that convincing over my blog. But it will be great not only for me but for them, they need structure (from someone else) ;) Drew will come home speaking korean which will be awesome unless he talks about me behind my back. 

Chris was gone for a week straight for work, he loves his job soooooo much! (he really hates his exsistance there his words not mine) so the boys and I ventured out a little bit on our own, when I say a little bit it was litterally a couple of hours the whole week, because it rained everyday,  I love monsoon season i think we should have monsoon season in the states i feel bad that you all cant experience what i have gotten too! Anyway, so Chris got back on friday which was going to be nice we had things planned and things to do, however I spent all day sunday dying cause I made new friends and went out the night before, everytime I drink I give myself a pep talk which usually goes like this....  Jessica you are old and cannot hang anymore....... and then i drink like im 21 and feel like crap for 3 days!

Chris will be home this weekend so I am hoping to get out and do something fun, that way I will have something amusing for all of you to read!!!! Miss you all!!!!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

We made it.......

We are finally in Seoul, we got in last week Wednesday.  Austin made a great observation while waiting in the airport for Chris... "this place is just like america except people have different faces and speak another language" haha from the mouth of a 6 year old. We got here for the end of Monsoon season, it rained the first 4 days on and off, but yesterday it just stopped, which is great however I did just buy a really cute umbrella and didnt get to use it as much as I wanted ;) but I would rather have it be dry then use a cute umbrella.

 It was sad having my dad leave today, it kind of makes it official now, this is not a vacation, unless a vacation can last for 2 years.  For our last meal we went to the Katusa Snack Bar and ate some korean food, Beef Bulgogi is the way to go it is super yummy.  I tried some kimchi, it wasnt as horrible as it smells, its kind of like a spicy coleslaw, I will probably never eat it again.....

Yesterday we went into Itaewon  which I would compare to the third ward in milwaukee, for those of you have gone to china town and were solicited by a girl on the street telling you shes got some grrrrreat deals on purses and then takes you into a little store through the back, down a flight of stairs, rings a doorbell, a secret door opens and then you are in a room of knockoffs and possible real purses that have "fallen" off the truck..... it is nothing like that here, you basically just walk right into a store with purses everywhere, it is heaven! Chris asked me what I was going to do without a Target or Walmart..... hes silly :) who needs Target and Walmart when you have Itaewon!

Korean girls are funny they are very into their looks, but it is a 1960's, mentality they are all about dressing up and wearing heels evereywhere! NOOOOO thank you, I watched girls walk up the steepest hill I have ever climbed yesterday when we went to the Seoul Tower yesterday, I was whining cause i had flip flops on. Anyway.... I have now seen 4 different commercials for weight loss, they are so funny I need to sit down one day and try to tape them all and upload them, you would die. they are so fake and slightly disturbing, but in a funny way.

Ok well I am still fighting the last of my jetlag, so i need to take a nap now, hopefully in the next couple of days it will be over! I miss everyone so much and appreciate everyones support as we take this journey, it will be interesting, stay tuned!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

5 More Sleeps

So the time has come, we will be leaving for Korea in 6 days. I am very excited and also very nervous at the same time. I will definitely keep everyone updated on our daily life, I cant wait to share our experiences with all of you. I am going to miss everyone so much and hope that we will stay in touch with all of you, although it looks like we need to find Austin a home here, he informed me that he will not be going to Korea, because they don't have DVR! Love you all!


Saturday, January 15, 2011

Coupons.... Seriously....

Ok it's really too late right now to be blogging but I think I am now addicted to Extreme Couponing, if you haven't seen Watch it! Thats all!

Good Night......

Friday, January 14, 2011

Is it monday yet?

So good news is that Austin is feeling better... bad news is Drew is not, I am convinced someone hates me somewhere...
So normally people are excited for their weekends, good for them! I however am looking forward to Monday. Why you ask? Because Austin will be at school, Drew will be at school and Chris will be back from his boys weekend with his bff John, and I will be surrounded by tiny satans running around, which normally wouldn't be too appealing however if it means getting rid of my angels for a couple of hours it will be great.  Don't get me wrong, I love my boys they are gifts from god blah blah blah but sometimes I consider google-ing how to sell your child on the black market.
I hate when Austin and Drew are sick but I love their attitudes they are so sweet and loving and tell me how much they love me and thanks mom for taking care of me..... but then when they feel better they turn all mean and condescending.... So Chris normally makes them "oreo shakes" , so while he is gone I thought I would make them one, Austin stood over me the entire time telling me that's not enough ice cream mom, dad doesnt add that much milk, my dad puts the oreos in a bag and crushes them first before he puts them in the blender, to which I replied what do you think the blender does Austin to which then he replied duh. So after I got done being micromanaged by my six year old I proudly poured them into a cup (which of course they had to fight about for like 5 mins, note to anyone who ever wants to buy them any sort of cup plate bowl etc. just get them the same thing thanks) they then yelled at me cause all I had left were pink straws, "mom, you should go to the store and get new straws" "mom do you think we are girls, we cant use pink straws they are for girls!" I told them only girls use straws anyways... that shut them up. Austin then criticized the oreo shake, saying it was to thick, i told him it was a malt, mom i don't even like malts, Austin you have never had a malt in your life how would you know, some kids in this world don't ever get malts they have never even tried ice cream, if you don't stop whining I will find one of those said children have them move in with me and you can go live with their family. he said thanks for the malt. So anyway, while I type this Austin is having a conniption fit cause he wanted to unload the dishwasher for me, i know what you are all thinking oh how sweeeeeet. Have a you ever had an OCD 6 year old? I need to go and help him put the silverware in the "correct position" according to him......

Have a great weekend....

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I thought it was a new year....

So starting the new year to me means leave all the old stuff in the past right? Wrong! it is the 12th of January and we already have sickness in this house once again! In 2010 we had some sort of illness in this house at least once a week. We were on a sick free streak closing in on Christmas, if you count drew getting constipated and having to take him to the er in Fl, which I do not then we have been good for a while! But, here we are 12 days into the new year and Austin is home sick again. At least he isn't puking, THANK GOD!!!

Ok so here's the deal I am not one to sit down everyday to write out what is going on in our life, however, we will be moving to Korea soon and since I will not be able to have my phone connected to my face at all times I figured that this would be the best way to get information to the ones I love! Enjoy......